Complete knowledge base about the company's products

The PIM (Product Information Management) system is, to put it simply, a comprehensive base of knowledge of the company's products. It is a collection of information which we know is compatible with the real state, complete and always up to date.


Data from PIM are used to create electronic offers for clients and business partners


The export of data from PIM eliminates errors when editing the content of product catalogues


The data from PIM can be given to the publishers of e.g. newsletters of retail chains


Information from PIM can be fed to e-commerce


Selected data about products downloaded from PIM can be viewed on the website

All product data in one place, digitized, systematized, available immediately,
without restrictions.

Benefits of PIM implementation

  • greater control over the published content in all information channels
  • elimination of errors related to the presentation of outdated data or products that have been withdrawn from the offer
  • shorter way to reach the information you need
  • access to information depends only on the user's rights
  • new employees will get to know the company's product offer faster
  • lower company costs: a well-designed PIM eliminates mistakes and can be operated by fewer employees, also in the form of remote work

You can find moreinformation about PIM on the website: