Modules and solutions in PIM

PIM structure
In the PIM system, the products are categorized by category trees or presented as a flat file.
The category tree itself can look different, depending on the nature of the company's offer, the quantity and complexity of the products. For example, the PIM system may have a simple structure, in which the product belongs to only one category, which in turn has no branches.
This structure can be much more extensive. A product can belong simultaneously to many categories, and these categories can have sub-categories, which may also contain further branches.
In the next system, products will not be categorized at all, but thanks to the attributes assigned to them, you can browse them by narrowing down and refining the parameters that are of your interest.
Products in PIM are presented in a regular, coherent way. Each product has a unique ID, name and marketing description as well as logistics data.In addition, the product may have attributes or technical parameters.
File module, links between products
Additional files are associated with the product in the PIM system: multimedia, documents, programs. These files are stored in the system in a separate place - File Module - so they can be assigned simultaneously to many products, product groups and even entire categories.
Products can be interrelated (similar products, complementary products, accessories, spare parts, etc.). This is one of the ways to get acquainted with the full offer of the company, preferred by many users.